Friday 16 November 2007

EMS-Indien-Beirat in Stuttgart am 14. Nov. 07

Von Links: Pfr. Leslie Nathaniel, aus der württembergische Landeskirche, Pfr. Timothy Ravinder aus der badische Landeskirche, Anny Ravinder, Bp. Dr. Surya Prakash, Bishop Amma Vindhya Prakash und Lutz Drescher, der Indien Referent in EMS

Bischof/Thandrigaru Dr. Surya Prakash und Bishop Amma Vindhya Prakash aus der CSI Karimnagar Diözese sowie Pfr. Victor Joshua waren als ehren Gäste bei der Beratssitzung.

Indien-Sonntag am 11. Nov. 07 in die evang. Stadtkirche Pforzheim

Gemeinsames Zusammenkommen nach dem "indisch gewürzt"es Mittagessen in der Werktageskirche in Pforzheim. Menschen kennenlernen und miteinander sprechen war für mich wichtig. Schöner Festgottesdienst, kurz und knackige Predigt von Schuldekanin Frau Sabine Jestadt, tamilischer Tanz, Information, Kafee, Kuchen und Tee gab es auch - ein gelungener Tag.
Unser wundabare Gastgeber-Familie Kohler. We experienced warmth and good hospitality with this Family. Thank You!

Treffen der CSI-Indien Partnerschafts-Interessierte in St. Georgen

It was a very useful meeting in St. Georgen with the Friends of the CSI-Villingen Partnership which included Dekan Pfr. Keller. On open discussion where most issues were clarified.

A long journey to St. Georgen through the Black Forests. Something very special happened at Feldberg where the above Foto is taken.

Pfr. Victor Joshua aus der CSI, Pfr. Wolfgang Kammerer und Ökumene und Anny Ravinder are standing in front of a Restaurant, where I, Timothy by oversight left back my Ring (with nine precious stones...) on the toilet shelf while going to St. Georgen and found it back after 8 hours in the same place in order and tact on our return journey. Amazing isn't it! This could happen only in this part of the World. Hats off for Deutschland!

Monday 29 October 2007

Mitarbeiter-Uni : Fortbildung für Ehren- und Hauptamtliche... Bad Herrenalb Okt. 07

A part of the participants of the Workshop... carefully listening...A small but a highly motivated group in ecumenical and international relations..

sitting 3rd from the right ist Tina Boy unsere Referentin
Wir waren im Seminarraum 1^ im Haus der Kirche und ingesamt 11 Personen zum Worshop (Mitarbeiter-Uni) für Ehren und Hauptamtliche... am Sonntag in Bad Herrenalb. Ich soll dieser Workshop moderieren!! und habe ich auch gerne gemacht! Danke Dietrich. Ob es gut war... das muss ich nach fragen.

Das spannende Thema ist ökumenische/internationale Begegnungen. Alle Teilnehmer/rinnen waren hoch motiviert und da gab es lebendiges Gespräch. Wertheim, Villingen, Baden Baden, Raststatt?? sind vertreten.
Ein Paar Stichworter die wir heftig diskutiert haben:
> Vertraulichkeit
> gleiche Augenhöhe
> Austaush/gegensietiger Besuch
We explained about the Baden-EMS-CSI Partnership relations, CSI and its ministry particularly among the Dalits. There was healthy and lively discussion during question time. We had to close at ca. 17,15 hrs. We could not take in all the questions. The participants have wonderful ideas on Ecumenism . References were made to Ghana and Indonesian Partnerships.
The Jordan-Lebanon experience from Tina Boy was also nice.
I believe, that there is always interest and intellect, experience and encouragement in Baden for ecumenical activities. How do we tap this resource or facilitate many such encounters for the strengthening of international/ecumenical Relations... is the important question. The hope and the encouragement that we have is that we in Baden do not need to start from zero...We only have to identify the Potential and 'create space' for further encounters.

Thursday 25 October 2007

2. Tag der christlichen Kirchen am Rheinknie, Mulhouse 21.10.2007

Closing Worship inside the Palais des Sports^. Grand Finale with music, dance and with many people. 3-minute brief biblical reflections were thought provoking. Good organisation, variety of programmes, delicious food... we enjoyed the day accompanied by Reeta and Hans.

Austellung zum Thema " Neuer Himmel, Neue Erde"^
If we closley watch this picture perhaps we could discover a face...

Eröffnungsgottesdienst vor der Kirche die größte in Mulhouse - Temple St. Etienne am Place de la Reunion. With hot coffee in one hand and the song book on the other hand we managed to sing the opening service in the morning!

Friday 19 October 2007

Visit of Mrs. Mrinalini David in Baden und Stuttgart, EMS

In Pforzheim mit Pfr Carstensen, Frau Höfsäß...^ Freundeskreis Südindiens...

In Stuttgart mit Gisela Koellner von EMS^ - Evangelisches Missionswerk in Südwestdeutschland

Visit of Mrs. Mrinalini David in the Protestant Church in Baden accompanied by Reverend Timothy Ravinder and Mrs. Anny Hemalatha Ravinder from 12th to 25th of July 2007 – Report

Our marvellous experiences that we have lived through this programme once again reminds us and all the readers, how much more there is yet to learn from the German Church Congregations and the vice versa. And how much more beautiful places there are here, in this part of the world for us to see and relish. Our ecumenical Learning has given more clarity to our thought and has sharpened our Vision for a common Witness. There are immense possibilities for us to learn from each other and thereby mutually be benefited from each other.

We should put our heads and hearts together to tap the vast capabilities that are inside and around us, to bring out the ‘Divine Spark’ from within us. Ecumenism facilitates this process through mutual learning for mutual enrichment. From our experience as ecumenical co-workers in Baden we stand witness to this. The ‘Intellectual Horse Power and energy that we posses could also be invested more in the area of ecumenical and mission activities. It could also be in the form of Resource exchange, sharing of ideas, common Liturgy, exchange of Persons of various disciplines etc….

We had the great opportunity to experience the warmth and the good hospitality of the Baden Church and EMS. It has made us to feel good. It has taken us from strength to strength and from Grace to Grace. We also believe that Mrs. David had almost enjoyed especially the German food and the Culture. She was fully involved with energy in all the programmes and she has left Germany with lots of impressions and good thoughts.

Last but not the least…
Many people have contributed towards this programme without whom it would have never been possible. We convey our heart felt thanks to Rev. Stockmeier, Rev. Labsch and their dynamic Team for all the support. We express our thanks and gratitude to our Bishop Dr. Dorai for having sent Mrs. David and Rev. Mrs. Sudamani Dorai who could not come to Germany due to medical reasons. We have missed her very much.

Our Special thanks goes to all those who had arranged superb programmes in their respective areas. Thank you very much! We hope and pray that our good Lord may continue to bless all of us in His ministry.

Anny and Timothy Ravinder
Presbyter and Ecumenical Co-Worker from the CSI Coimbatore Diocese with the Protestant Church in Baden

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Zeitungsartikel über das 60 Jahre Jubiläum der Church of South India, September 2007

Church role in education lauded

Special Correspondent, The Hindu

Church of South India celebrates its diamond jubilee

CHENNAI: The role of the Church of South India in promoting education, health and Tamil was lauded as it celebrated its diamond jubilee here on Thursday.

With 40 lakh members in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Pondicherry and the Jaffna province of Sri Lanka, the Church is the oldest and largest ecumenically united in Asia. Minister of State for Railways R. Velu called upon Christian leaders to go one step further and work for the unification of the church across India. "I appeal to all the bishops, why confine your unification to South India alone? Maybe, before your platinum jubilee, the 'S' will be removed and you will become the Churches of India," he said.

Pointing out that Tamil Nadu had taken the lead in providing religious minorities with reservation in education and employment, he encouraged representatives of the church from other southern States to ask for similar reservation in their States.

Finance Minister K. Anbazhagan appreciated the role of Christianity in promoting Tamil, recalling the contribution of the 18th century missionary Bartholomew Ziegenbalg, a pioneer in Tamil printing.

In continuation of its service, and as part of its diamond jubilee celebrations, the church has come out with a 10-point manifesto, including a commitment to create an endowment of Rs. 1 crore for the education of 120 underprivileged boys and girls.

The Prince of Arcot, Nawab Mohammed Abdul Ali, urged Christians and Muslims to act as brothers and sisters, saying people of all faiths should fight against terrorism in the name of religion.

Monday 15 October 2007

70 Jahre Ev. Christuskirche in Rheinfelden - Ein schönes Erlebnis

Ev. Kantorei Rheinfelden ^unter der Leitung von Rainer Marbach - Konzert zum Kirchenjubiläum, Sonntag 14.Oktober 2007, 17,00 Uhr. "Die sechs Kirchenfenster" Trachtet am ersten nach dem Reich Gottes...Selig ist , wer sich nicht an mir ärgert..., Lasset die Kindlein zu mir Kommen..., Du bist mein lieber Sohn..., Es sei denn, dass jemand von neuem geboren werde..., Du sollst anbeten Gott, dein Herrn... Hinführung zu den Fenstern durch Pfarrer Joachim Kruse

Bunter Kirchmarkt am 13. Oktober auf dem Vorplatz...^ Kirchencafe, Kinderprogramm der Ev. Kindergärten Kirchenturmführungen...11-17 Uhr Kirche : ein Ort der Begegnung... waren viele Menschen... auch aus andere Konfessionen zum Bunter Kirchmarkt

Beim Indien-Stand waren auch verschiedenes ^ angeboten: indischer Imbiss - Chutneys mit Brot, Indien-Quiz, viele andere Sachen (aus einer behinderte Einrichtung) aus Indien... und handgemacht Kärtchen... war gut besucht! 13. Oktober

Mittwoch 10. Oktober
19,00 Uhr Musik und Meditation zur Glockenweihe sowie Eröffnung der
Fotoaustellung zur Baugeschichte

Freitag 12. Oktober
ab 17,00 Uhr konfi-Fete im Cafe 4U

Samstag 13. Oktober
10-14 Uhr FairBrunch
11,00 Uhr Krabbelgottesdienst
11-17 Uhr Bunter kirchenmarkt auf dem Vorplatz, Kirchturmführungen, KiGA der Ev. Kindergärten
17,00 Uhr AtemPause-Gottesdienst, Gutenacht kirche für kinder, Konzert von "Young Voices"
20,00 Uhr Taize-Gebet

Sonntag 14.Oktober
10,00 Uhr Festgottesdienst mit Akkordeonorchester un Kantorei anschließend Mittagessen
11-17 Uhr Kirchtürmführungen, Kinderprogramm
14,00 Uhr Konzert der Stadtmusik Rheinfelden
15,00 Uhr Gespräch mit Pfr. i. R. Freyer
17,00 Uhr Konzert der Ev. Kantorei zu biblischen Texten im Kirchenschiff.

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Ecumenical Programmes and Meetings in Baden

Beim Missionsfest in Neulußheim

Ökumenischer Gottesdienst auf der Inseli in der Schweizer Rheinfelden

In der Moschee in Rheinfelden


A magnificent opportunity for all the Protestant Christians in Baden to meet each other. The Kongress was arranged in Karlsruhe at the Kongress Centre - a huge building. One can reach this place by foot in 15 minutes.
There were many stalls and picture exhibitions from differents aspects of the ministry in Baden. All well organised and well-arranged. Our Mission and Ecumenism dept. of the EOK had also its stand.
Forum 19 was our area where Prn. Schäfer (Freiburg), Cunningham (South Africa), Pfr. Wolfgang Kammerer (Hasel/LMÖ), persons representing Gustoff Adolf Werk, person representing cameroonian congregation in Pforzheim and others along with Hans Heinrich and Pfr, und Leader Susanne Labsch (Moderatorin) and also from Anny and Timothy Ravinder (South India) contributed towards the theme "Mit der Welt befreundet". it was interresenting to listen. Unfortunately we had very little time for discussion.
The GEK ended with an impressive and a lively closing service led by Bishop Dr. Ulrich Fischer.Above all I liked the symbolic act of blessing each other with Water.
Observation... Was there representations from other christian traditions...
I tried to look for the diaconal part... programmes, Display of unity, Got the feeling that Church wants to remain in protected isolation

Wednesday 19 September 2007


It was a wonderful walk along the small stream Kander near Eimeldingen. In the picture i am sandwiched between Pfr. Peter Kraul and Pfr. Dr. Alfred Klassen. There is so much we can learn from experienced Ministers! Our Dekan Pfr. Reinhold Sylla guides and leads us well in the Pfarrkonvents. Often he offers very good themes for us Pastors. There was another group of Ministers, who went on pedalling boats along the river Rhein.Our fine but tiring day ended with a delicious dinner in Strausli.

Interesse für ökumenischen Aktivitäten in Rheinfelden

20,00 Uhr: Waren zu wenig beim Indeinkreis am 18. September. Der Film über Maathamma war beeindrücksvoll.
Vorbereitung-Indienstand beim Bunter Kirchenmarkt auf dem Vorplatz Anny Ravinder macht Südindische Imbiss...Herr N-Quiz...
15,00 Uhr: DG und Vorbereitung zum Gemeindekongress : Teil 1 Ein Spiegel für die badische Gemeinden, Teil 2 Erfahrung als ökumenischer Mitarbeiter in der Landeskirche.
und Gottesdienst mit Abendmahl am 7. Oktober 18. n Trintatis
Abend: Schöne Spaziergang am Rhein entlang in Beuggen mit Jithender und Anny. A good opportunity to discuss many things with Jithender.